How it works

Imagine…it’s early morning and you’re ready to leave for work. You grab your handbag, reach for your keys and they’re exactly where you left them. Woo-hoo!!  You head out the door locking it behind you, get in the car, and ZEN-fully drive to work.  You’re on time, feeling no stress or frustration.  Your days of searching for keys are OVER!

Joyful Keyper understands that a woman’s handbag is more than just an accessory – it’s a daily, essential part of your busy life. Your handbag stores everything you need, from keys to mobile phone to make-up, credit cards, and more. It’s only natural that your keys deserve a dedicated spot in your bag.

According to a survey by Pixie, the first place women look when searching for lost items is their purse or bag.

That’s why the Joyful Keyper is designed to keep your keys tethered to your handbag at all times, a dedicated spot where they live 24/7, stay put and never get misplaced.

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